Andrew Neil Vincent


Rebecca Louise Flory

Rebecca on meeting Andrew:

“We met on the Saltire Foundation Fellowship, which included a 4-month stay in Boston, Massachusetts. I remember feeling instantly safe with him” says Becca. “And I was so grateful to him for that because I was anxious about going away with 25 complete strangers! He also had this amazing energy - an honesty, determination and passion for the things he cares about. He was funny, kind and whip-smart. I was kind of blown away by him to be honest and I was very happy I’d found a pal.”

Over the next couple of months Rebecca and Andrew bonded over their desire to make a difference in the world and a strong friendship was formed. “Saltire and meeting Andrew were pivotal moments in my life. We talked over [numerous] bottles of wine about our hopes and dreams. He believed in me and I him. I’d never felt more alive, more free, more completely myself and as cliched as it may sound, I knew that when I got back to Scotland, my life just wouldn’t be the same again.”

Andrew on meeting Rebecca:

“We met when I was in my twenties and still trying to work out what I was going to do with my life. When I met Becca, I found a best friend instantly. It’s rare in life that you can sit down with someone, days after meeting them, and they just get you, believe in your whacky ideas and get excited by your [stupidly ambitious] dreams. 

Everyone can see that Becca has a beautiful smile, a warm nature and she’s a genuine, real person who takes an interest in everyone she meets. She’s a dreamer who doesn’t take no for an answer and being on the same team in life just makes absolutely everything better.

I feel so lucky to have found a best friend back then; someone who became my absolutely beautiful fiancée and I look forward to having the honour of calling her my wife in November.”

We can’t wait to start the next chapter of our lives together!